The Information, Advice and Support Services, Staff Association

The Information, Advice and Support Services, Staff Association is the national organisation that connects IASS regional networks, represents and supports IAS Service staff across England.

Our Aim

To bring together good practice and common issues from IASS staff to enable consistency of how we work and deliver our service offer.

What we do

We represent the interests and development of individual IAS Service staff. We are run by IAS Service staff and meet termly as a Steering group made up of volunteer IAS Service representatives from the regional networks. We consider issues related to staff in IAS Services across the country. We focus on areas such as:

  • Training for professional development
  • Sharing and supporting good practice
  • National IASS Conference
  • Regional events for IAS staff
  • Peer support

The Information, Advice and Support Services, IASS Staff Association and the IASS Network work closely together and support each other.