Conference 2019 - 'Strengthening Our Workforce'

Workshop topics from Conference 2019

Managing Your Service and Yourself

“This workshop will an interactive session with facilitated group discussion. Come prepared to share your management tools. This will enable you to make those national connections and learn and share with other services. We will look at “recruitment & retention, service delivery, managing teams, reducing stress and strengthening resilience. How do you deal with it all and support your staff at the same time. This is all about survive or thrive as a service.”

Download: Managing Your Service and Yourself

Solution-Focussed Approaches

“This workshop will be a facilitated interactive session with opportunity to share best practice. Come prepared to share. How do you look after yourself – how to become efficient at decision-making – how to decide and take responsibility for making judgements. Themes to be covered: emotional responsibility – managing complex emotions, managing anxiety – about empowerment and not carrying the burden. Practical tools to aid clarity with staff – restorative practice.”

Download: Solution-Focussed Approaches

How to Make Your Information Work for You

“An interactive session covering reshaping your information, the digital offer including website, social media protocols and pitfalls, dos and don’ts of twitter. Practical “how to” guide with ideas of how to create and harness information and social media to make it work for you.”

Download: How to Make Your Information Work for You

Mediation and Communication Skills

“Getting the best from those tricky meetings and difficult conversations – tips and strategies to manage those challenging situations that we all face”. This will identify scenarios and examples with practical ways of managing.  An interactive session in theatre style.”

Download: Mediation and Communication Skills

Operational Plan and Beyond

“A theatre-style workshop – an opportunity to tune in to the national picture for IASS, to think about where you are now in your operational plan, next steps and where you are heading.”

Feedback from Conference 2019

“It was a really useful day and well worth the trip to Birmingham. I would not hesitate to come again and encourage another member of my team to join me. Thank you for all your efforts, it must have been difficult to co-ordinate along with your day jobs, but it was a really well organised day with a helpful mix of subject areas. Thank you.”

“Having the time away from the office to reflect on your service and to hear from other services was very useful. It made me go back with some strategies to improve the service.”


“It was such a good use of time – covered a lot in a relatively short space of time & always reassuring to know we are not alone.”


“I thought that it was really well organised and useful. It was good to meet, share knowledge and
experiences, and get the perspectives of colleagues working in other parts of the country. Many
thanks to those who put so much time and effort into this excellent event.”

“Lets have more, it was good to network with other services.”